Pediatric Cannabis Edible Poisoning

What are Cannabis Edibles?
A cannabis edible (also called ‘edibles’, ‘marijuana edibles’) is any food or beverage item that contains cannabinoids. Cannabis edibles contain the psychoactive part of the cannabis plant, delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, cannabis edibles may also contain cannabidiol (CBD) or other types of THC. Edibles come in many shapes and sizes, from savory chips to seltzer drinks to candies. The packaging of some edibles often resembles brands and foods children are familiar with, like Doritos or gummy worms.
Why is Cannabis Edible Poisoning Trending?
Cannabis products have become more accessible in homes as the number of states with legal medicinal and/or recreational cannabis continues to grow. Edible cannabis products are easily mistaken for regular food, candy or beverages making accidental ingestion common in children and adolescents.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Cannabis Edible Poisoning?
While edible cannabis does not typically result in serious problems for adults, children have more severe reactions and are more likely to require medical attention. Symptoms of a cannabis edible overdose include:
– Vomiting
– Confusion
– Drowsiness
– Loss of coordination/unsteady on feet
Severe symptoms of overdose can case slowed breathing, seizure and coma.
Treatment and First Aid
Call 911 immediately if someone is having difficulty breathing, is unresponsive, or having a seizure.
If someone is breathing and responsive:
- Call Poison Help 1-800-222-1222 for specific recommendations or use the Get Help tool on
Take these steps to prevent edible cannabis poisoning:
– Don’t purchase cannabis edible that look like other common branded food products your child may be used to eating or drinking.
– Choose cannabis edible products packed in child resistant containers.
– Store cannabis edibles up, away and out of reach when not in use. Consider keeping them in a medication lock-box or locking cabinet.
Take Action
For questions about cannabis edibles or cannabis poisoning call Poison Help at 1-800-222-1222. From product related questions, to concerns about signs and symptoms of potential overdose, Poison Help staff are ready and available, 24/7/365, free of cost, for emergencies and non-emergencies.
For the Media
Please cite this data as “National Poison Data System, America’s Poison Centers.” Any and all print, digital, social, or visual media using this data must include the following: “You can reach your local poison center by calling Poison Help at 1-800-222-1222. To save the number in your mobile phone, test POISON to 301-597-7137.” Email or call 703-894-1863 for more information, questions, or to submit a data request.